The Future of Housing aims to redefine the conversation around urban and rural living, addressing the critical need for innovative and sustainable

housing solutions. As a pivotal integrator, we harness the power of technology and strategic partnerships to catalyze a transformative dialogue

among thought leaders, innovators, and stakeholders across the globe.

Our mission is to ignite a movement that challenges traditional views on construction and housing, fostering a collaborative environment where

experts converge to explore accessible, adaptable, and forward-thinking ways to solve the housing crisis.

About The Future Of Housing

The Future of Housing is a non-profit initiative dedicated to changing the narrative around housing in North America and beyond. We convene thought leaders, tech innovators, and pioneers from various fields to engage in meaningful dialogue aimed at solving the housing crisis. Our focus extends beyond traditional construction methods to include modular construction, adaptive reuse, and cutting-edge technological integration. By fostering conversations that lead to real-world solutions, we aim to make living spaces more efficient,

sustainable, and attuned to future needs.

Our initiatives are designed to spark out-of-the-box thinking and create a collaborative environment where experts and enthusiasts can unite to develop actionable solutions for today's most pressing housing challenges. Through these discussions and events, we

advocate for sustainable development and smarter living solutions, setting the stage for a

future where housing is not only a necessity but a pivotal element of urban innovation.

The Podcast

EPISODE 1:Greener, Faster, Better = WOOD

Rethinking how we build is part of the housing solution, so why not build better! Andrew Bowerbank of Centana and the mastermind behind PBI, shares the day that he burned down a building to prove Mass Timber is safer and stronger than the traditional counterparts.

EPISODE 2: Prefab Solutions inside & out

Decades of leveraging prefabrication in building solutions , John Sopta , along with partner Joe Aprile are finding a unity in past , present and future endeavors to bring the building industry forward by breaking down the walls of traditional and incorporating new technologies and advanced systems.

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This Prefab Startup Is Saving America’s Urban Centers One Floor At A Time

This Prefab Startup Is Saving America’s Urban Centers One Floor At A Time

As vacancies rise in urban office buildings and new residential openings continue at a snail’s pace, the real estate world needs a bold new strategy to revitalize downtowns while preserving their uniq... ...more

Urban Revitalization ,Prefabrication Solutions &Sustainable Living

November 22, 20246 min read

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